Suspended in mid air in front of you is this mysterious android you have heard so much about. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Ergo. : Take a closer look at this Ergo... What you see before you is some sort of large metal ball, hovering in midair. Etched in its surface is a face, ancient, classic, like the Utricarian golden age frescos. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Stern, lofty, almost Godly. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: And those eyes...So intently watching you, fixing you with their gaze that the rest of the world seems to draw to a halt for a moment or two. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Eyes are said to be the mirrors of the soul. If that is true, this non carbonic creation possesses the Soul of the Ages. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: But then again someone said that the countenance is the portrait of the soul and the eyes mark its intentions. If that is true, this thing definitely has some intentions, considering the way it is looking at you. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Buzzing around this airborne android is a group of small, ragged fellows, the mysterious Yuttos. They remind you of a group of termites attending their bloated immobile queen there where they are attending this floating chunk of metal, polishing, scrubbing, screwing screws, tightening bolts, tearing apart and putting together unrecognizable appliances small and large. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: And then it strikes you, you have not seen a single female among the Yuttos. Perhaps there is something to this termite queen idea... At least the Yuttos move around the android as it was some sort of royalty and shoot a nervous gaze at you every now and then. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Suddenly you hear some faint "clicking" sounds from the stern looking spheroid, followed by an ever so slight vibration...And then it speaks! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Hail Thee my Master! In which way can this humble automation be of service today? : Who are you? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I am Ergo. : All right "Ergo"... why do you call me "Master"? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I am here to serve. : Serve whom? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: You, the Master of Light! Either this fellow has a loose screw somewhere, or your self image has been majorly underexposed during development...Master of Light, huh? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Better try another approach... : All right, lets say that for the time being. But tell me, what is an "Ergo"? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Ergo am I. What you see is just a terminal, a user interface for my systems that span all the lands. I watch, maintain and serve! : Watch what? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I watch the shadows and guard them. : Guard the shadows? Why? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Where the light flows freely, there is little danger, the beasts and people of the land defend those places vigorously. But it is in the shadows that evil gathers and the Devourers of our existence lurk, waiting for the slightest chance to cut away yet another strand from the fibers of our world. I am the Conserver of Light! I am the Guardian of Shadows! : What do you mean by "Conserver of Light"? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: The Light, my good Master. As far as a metal ball can show emotion, you notice that this "Ergo" displays something that could by androipologists be interpreted as a comforting gesture. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I realize that time has fogged your memory and much ancient wisdom has been lost. I suggest a journey! A journey of rediscovery! : Tell me more about "guarding the shadows" please. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I wish I could, my Master, but I am afraid you need to see more before you can quite comprehend what is involved. You Must Start The Journey! As this metallic creation emits this last phrase, you notice some squeeks and chirps coming from within the metal shell, noises that if they came from your ordinary kitchen appliance would prompt you to start thinking about shopping for a new one. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: You watch the hoovering ball for a second. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: But when nothing seems to be falling off Ergo at the moment, you decide that this was probably some old version of an android vocal sign of urgency. : Journey? Where..? Err..? You mean I need to? What? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I am frightfully sorry Master, but could you please rephrase that? : You mean the journey through the Shadowlands, right? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: With a hint of theatrical bobbing in mid air, Ergo says with a trembling voice: Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I am talking about a journey through the lands of Eternal Light! It is obvious that this Ergo really wants you to take him up on this journey idea... Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: And of shadows dark and creeping! Or is he?... Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: So, what do you say Master, are you ready to guard the shadows? : Sure, but I really liked the Eternal Light part better... Any chance I could take care of that, rather? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Outstanding, my Master! Let us begin! The journey you are embarking on is long and arduous. You will tread paths dark and dangerous, you will meet horrors beyond imagination and you will witness sorrows that break the hearts of mortal souls. But don't despair and never falter, in the shadow there is hope, in your journey there is salvation and when you reach your destination, the dust of the ages will fall away and the Light Eternal will once again flow into every corner of the world! Right... This sounds impressive enough, but where is that bit about what I need to do? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Even though mankind has tried in shame and sorrow to bury the memories of the past, the sins of the forefathers are branded into their legacy and have left a mark in the deepest shadows of every persons mind. Android philosophy...? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Great minds throughout history have in search of the meaning of life, the universe and time itself, on occasion reached deep enough to touch these marks, felt the contours with the tips of their mental acquisitiveness and each in his way recited the history of a paradise lost. This is...deep. : This is getting interesting, better let him continue... Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: It is this history that will be revealed through your efforts and new chapters written as you travel closer to the Source. On your journey you will meet more people like you, brave souls, set on righting the wrongs of the past and unite worlds divided. Does he mean that you...should save the world? You have done worse career moves than that! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Many have gone this path before you and thousands will follow in your footsteps. Some will prove to be your friends, other will reveal themselves as adversaries, but know that the more people you join forces with, the more possible the all but impossible will become. Friends...adversaries? Is he talking about the Redeemed and the Unredeemed, or is there something more to it? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: And what was that about the "Source"? I need to remember to ask him about that later... Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: But you must not tarry, you may not linger! Right! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Time is of importance here! Yes, Get On With It!! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: I will give you what you need to get to the green fields of Elysium, but first I need to ask a small favor. The atmosphere here in Nascence is not exactly ideal for some of the machinery my systems are made of and the Yuttos have informed me that what they need to better the situation is a biological lubricant, extracted from a certain type of flukeworm. Close to here there are several hives containing these worms. If you manage to bring me some of their oil, I will grant you the trial of passage. Except of course if you have the Insipid ring already. : What do you mean by "flukeworm"? I have never seen anything like that. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Around here they can be called flukeworms, further along your journey you will encounter them as gigantic, murderous beasts. I believe they are called Molokh's There are two places here in Nascence where their hives can be found, both guarded by my Yuttos friends. Seek them out and they will be happy to help you. : Who is the assistant, really? An Yuttos? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Yuttos, yes. Or Yuttocra as they call themselves. Quite remarkable little mechanics, resourceful and inventive. Remember, they are on our side, so be nice to them. You have no idea what Ergo is made of, but it must be some remarkable alloy, this metalface actually is smiling! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: The two you will be looking for are called "Deep Breath Nine" and "Long Stare at Danger", these courageous twins spend all their time containing the danger from these hives. Just give this to either of them and they will know what to do. : Where can I find them? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: You will find Long Stare At Danger in the Swamps, on the island just north of here, the one you come to before you get to the redeemed village. The hive he is watching is in one of the bogs. Deep Stare Nine is in the Wilds and he is much easier to find. The hive he is guarding is above ground, an evil orange cancerous cluster of cocoons reaching far into the sky. You can't miss it. : Goodbye Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Farewell traveller, may your shadow never grow thinner! Suspended in mid air in front of you is this mysterious android you have heard so much about. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Ergo. : Greetings once more Ergo! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Hail Thee my Master! In which way can this humble automation be of service today? : Who were the Yuttoses again? The ones who were going to help me finding the oil? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: The two you should be looking for are called "Deep Breath Nine" and "Long Stare at Danger", these courageous twins spend all their time containing the threat from those hives. : Where did you say they were stationed? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: You will find Long Stare At Danger in the Swamps, on the island just north of here, the one you come to before you get to the redeemed village. The hive he is watching is in one of the bogs. Deep Stare Nine is in the Wilds and he is much easier to find. The hive he is guarding is above ground, an evil orange cancerous cluster of cocoons reaching far into the sky. You can't miss it. Do you still have the fumigator? : No, I am afraid I lost it... Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: No problem, I have a lot of them here... Somewhere... Hmm, but I was sure... Ah! I knew it. Here! Just give this to either of them and they will know what to do. : Goodbye Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Farewell traveller, may your shadow never grow thinner! -- At the "entrance" to the massive molokh hive, this Yuttos is standing with mouth half open, blue in his face and eyes transfixed on a spot around two inches in front of his nose. With a painfully slow gesture, he indicates for you not to say anything : Hello Deep Breath Nine: Sshhh!... Excuse me, but I am a bit preoccupied here. As busy as... The Yuttos no doubt is using some very deep simile, but his whispers are as quiet as the thumping of a running cat... : I come from Ergo, I have a little something he asked me to give you. Deep Breath Nine: Oh! Sorry, please show me what it is, but do it quietly! Deep Breath Nine: Ah! So you are ready to brave the mighty Molokh. Deep Breath Nine takes the fumigator and operates a small control panel on the side of it. A slight hiss and a great flash is followed by a thick stream of smoke, which he points at the mighty hive behind him Deep Breath Nine: There, that should do it. Hmm... Patience, this sometimes takes a while. There! It Opened! Go up there, under the hive. In there you will find an entrance, leading you down to the heart of the molokh's corrupt world and a horde of newly hatched worms. They have what Ergo needs. Grab the chance now that I have opened it, it wont stay that way for long. Good luck! : Goodbye -- Suspended in mid air in front of you is this mysterious android you have heard so much about. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Ergo. : Greetings once more Ergo! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Hail Thee my Master! In which way can this humble automation be of service today? : I think I found the oil you were looking for. Here, have a look please. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Let me have a look then Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Oh! This is exactly it! Well done my good Master and thank you! This will make my existence here much easier. The last thing I want to do is to see that you are strong enough to enter Elysium and for that I have prepared a little trial for you. When you feel you are ready, show me this Mark and I will arrange for your trial of passage. : I am ready for the trial of passage Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Show me the Mark of the Menace I gave you and I will arrange your trial. You are entering a new phase of your journey and I must make sure you are ready. I don't want to send you, my Master, to a certain death. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Indeed, this is the Mark of the Menace. Enter the vault behind me, stand in its centre and you will soon find yourself in the halls of testing. Search the halls until you find the Nascence Menace, strike it down and bring me from it a Pellucid Crystal together with this Mark of the Menace. With that feat done you will have finished our little business here and be free to enter the Elysian fields. : Goodbye Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Farewell traveller, may your shadow never grow thinner! -- Suspended in mid air in front of you is this mysterious android you have heard so much about. Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Ergo. : Greetings once more Ergo! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Hail Thee my Master! In which way can this humble automation be of service today? : I have the Pellucid Crystal and th Mark of the Menace! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: You do? Please, hand me the Crystal and the Mark! Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Oh! You really made it! Well done my good Master! Here, take this ring as your reward, it will guide and strengthen you through the first leg of your journey. And my friend, remember, all glory comes from daring to begin. You are about to take the first steps of a long and arduous journey. Where the road ends, you will have to make a new one and show the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads. : What should I do with this ring? Is it special in some way? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Well, you can look through it with one eye. You can give it to your sweetheart next Valentine's day. You can use it as a napkin ring. You can stick your tongue through it and find out how long it takes to turn blue. And you can of course wear it on your finger. And then he adds with a little smile... Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: But if you want to use it to get further in your journey, you only have to let it touch the portal behind me and swoosh!! Before you know it, you are in the green fields of Elysium! Ergo smiles broadly. : Will I see you again? Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: We will meet again. Until then, let the journey itself be your greatest reward. Go in peace. : Goodbye Ergo, Nascence Guardian of Shadows: Farewell traveller, may your shadow never grow thinner! --