Scientist Donna Red: Hi there! I am pleased to meet you ...? Telling Donna your name would be the expected formal response, even though she most likely already sees it on her holographic display. Schabowski: My name is Schabowski. Scientist Donna Red: Then I am pleased to meet you, Schabowski. Her sincere smile would make anyone relax in her presence. Scientist Donna Red: Is there anything I can do for you? Schabowski: I am wondering why we are required to wear this bracer? Scientist Donna Red: The bracer registers mutations in your DNA, so it is important to monitor the data on a frequent basis. We must be able to act quickly if there is an unexpected increase in the spontaneous mutation frequency, both to prevent and to repair undesirable results on the subject. She blushes a bit then corrects herself. Scientist Donna Red: The subject would be you - of course. Schabowski: What are you doing here? Scientist Donna Red: I am assessing the effects of environmental contaminants on biological resources. The threat of unexplainable contaminants to Rubi-Kan wildlife is being evaluated by data synthesis and field activities. I am coordinating the field activities here in Nascence, on behalf of the global environmental movement and animal rights organization Eco Warriors. Schabowski: How can the environment here in Nascence affect Rubi-Ka? Scientist Donna Red: That is a very good question. With a concerned look on her face she picks up an ancient looking device. Scientist Donna Red: Strange things are going on here. I keep finding these obscure objects. She shows you the strange device from every angle then continues in awe. Scientist Donna Red: I have never seen anything like it before. I wish I knew what function or purpose these items had and who left them here. Schabowski: Maybe I can help you? Scientist Donna Red: Can you?! She brightens up and almost drops the item out of excitement, then places it cautiously in your hands. Scientist Donna Red: I would really appreciate any information you find. As she speaks her fingers nimbly move over the keys of her wrist-attached Intercom, most likely taking some notes from your conversation. Scientist Donna Red: Anything that would help us understand this place is of value, of course, but I have a feeling that these ancient artifacts could help answer many of our questions. And the settlement east of here may hold clues regarding these artifacts. With that she smiles and gently pats your shoulder. Scientist Donna Red: The bracer showed only nominal irregularities in your DNA, all within the allowed boundaries. You should get going now, Schabowski. Good luck! Schabowski: What kind of rumors have you heard about Nascence? Scientist Donna Red: I have heard that a settlement has been found east of here. The settlement was supposed to be inhabited by beautiful creatures caring for the balance in nature. But the only thing I found was the Brink and the Swamp. And most creatures there honestly don't fit that description. Schabowski: What can you tell me about the symbols you are investigating here? Scientist Donna Red: They refer to someone well versed in the past. His title would be, directly translated, Sipius. The one close in touch with the Divine entity is referred to as an Ecclesiast. But these are all directly translated titles and my knowledge of the ancient alphabet is limited, so please keep a margin for errors. Schabowski: What can you tell me about the Brink? Scientist Donna Red: Well, the Brink can be found North of here. But since seismic readings from that area are not reliable, you would be wise to keep away. The Brink is the very edge of these lands, but I have reached the conclusion that something is causing the edge to dissolve. I hope Drake Rodriguez can find a solution to this problem soon or we will be in serious danger out here. Schabowski: Goodbye Scientist Donna Red: Take care! -- Ecclesiast Aban Fala: Welcome, Schabowski. I was wondering when our paths would cross. Now, finally, I can set you off on your journey. Schabowski: Journey? Ecclesiast Aban Fala: The journey of enlightenment. A journey taken within, as much as around yourself. You seek advice regarding an ancient device, correct? He returns the item and nods. Ecclesiast Aban Fala: There is no doubt in my mind that you are one of the Faithful. And I will set you off on your voyage, that you may understand the truth of this place. I know who may posses information regarding this ancient device and he can be found in the Garden of Aban. But before I grant you passage there, you must answer me truthfully... Are you ready to take your first staggering strides towards redemption? Schabowski: Yes, I am ready to seek the path of truth and compassion. Ecclesiast Aban Fala: Then prove this to us. Just as the White Knight had to slay the unholy beast in the Days of Reckoning to show he was worthy of redemption, you must now complete a task to show us proof of your devotion to Aban. Search for marks of Her existence here in Nascence, then bring what you find before me. Schabowski: How about this Ancient Artifact... Ecclesiast Aban Fala: The passion of youth... All in due time, young one. All in due time... With those words, he turns around and shows no further interest in this conversation. Schabowski: Goodbye Ecclesiast Aban Fala: May the light of Aban guide you. -- Ecclesiast Aban Fala: Welcome back, Schabowski. Schabowski: I found the mark of Aban. Ecclesiast Aban Fala: Very good, Schabowski! Show me what you found. Ecclesiast Aban Fala: Well done, Schabowski. But I must tell you... The path you have chosen will take you through the deepest depths of darkness. You will face beings with hearts filled of hate and jealousy. And you will wish for the Divine to interfere, but unfortunately it can not. Do not despair. The cursed ones are setting their plan in motion. The script is written and the stage is set. It is, however, not too late to change the outcome. But we must stay true to the light, or we will surely perish as the acts unfold. Take the Insignia to the statue raised in Abans glory. Place it at Her sacred feet and you will gain passage to Her Garden. Someone well versed in what once was will be able to tell you more about the Ancient Device. Seek him out, child. Schabowski: Goodbye Ecclesiast Aban Fala: May the light of Aban guide you. -- Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: Ahh, here he is... The one seeking knowledge, long lost and buried in the sand of time. Come closer, there is no need to be afraid. Schabowski: I was hoping to find information regarding this Ancient Artifact. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: Yes, I know. The Sipius reaches out for the Device. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: Yes, I have seen these before. They are remains of an ancient civilization. These first humans were referred to as the Xan, and held incredible powers. With a sad look on his face he continues. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: Their fate was sealed the moment they disturbed the Divine flow of energy. Their legacy will forever remind us of our human limitations and what happens if we experiment with what is forbidden. The Sipius turns his attention back to the device you gave him. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: This Artifact was used by the Xan to analyze strings of human DNA-patterns. The Sipius hands you the Ancient Pattern Analyzer. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: It was later found that this Artifact, if blessed by the Divine, could pass on it's blessing, thus saving the soul of the recipient. Due to the extremely complicated process, not all creatures are susceptible to the device. Schabowski: I could try to activate the artifact - with your permission, of course. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: I am certain you will find a way to activate the device. And you have my permission to do so. If you manage to pass on the blessing of the Divine to at least three poor creatures, return to me and you will be rewarded. Schabowski: Goodbye Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: May Aban guide you on your way to redemption, Schabowski. -- The creature looks at you with wide eyes. Schabowski: 'Cover her eyes with the ancient device' The creature stops and studies you for a couple of seconds as you look through your backpack. You reach out to cover her eyes with the device. The Silvertail starts to change shape as soon as you place the device close to her eyes. Dreaming Silvertail is no longer available for conversation. -- Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: Ahh, here he is... The one seeking knowledge, long lost and buried in the sand of time. Come closer, there is no need to be afraid. Schabowski: I managed to activate the Artifact. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: The surge of power did not go unnoticed, child. We know that you did and whatever may have happened to relieve those poor creatures from their lives, I am sure they were well received by the Divine. Can I please have a look at the Artifact? Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: The Artifact looks to be in perfect condition, which is remarkable. You should keep it, but be careful with whom you share your knowledge. As promised I have a reward, blessed by the Divine and imbued by the ancient powers of the Xan. The Sipius gives you a shining object. As you take it in your hands, you feel it vibrating slightly. Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: Use the key with caution. It will instantly transport you to this place and due to the enormous drain upon Aban, it is only given to our most loyal followers. With this gift we show our trust in you, and your judgement. Schabowski: Goodbye Sipius Aban Lux-Wei: May Aban guide you on your way to redemption, Schabowski. --